Social Network All in One is a must have app for all social media users. As its name suggests it contains all popular social networking sites and one can access his/her favorite social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram etc. through this app.VWhy to install tens of individual apps for each social network when you can access all of them in only one app, that is Social Networks All in One app.You can acces the few listed sites
FacebookTwitterLinkedInPinterestMyspaceGoogle PlusTumblrInstagramFlickrTaggedMeetupMyLifeRedditViadeoSina WeiboQuoraFriendsterhi5QzoneVKontakte (VK)OdnoklassnikiWe Heart ItWAYN TelegramWhats app messengerMessengersHangoutsSkype KkFacebook MessengerSnapdeal FlipkarteBayFlipboardGoogle newsGoogle Allo soon ( included and launched With Android 7.0 Nougat )Google Duo soon ( included and launched With Android 7.0 Nougat )FeedlyGannaSpotifyMusicBook my showGoogle flightsMake my tripTrip advisorTwooXingYouTube soonDailymotionVkVineGoogle photosAmazon150+
Sites included are from all over the world USA, India, China , Japan , Russia ,French , Portuguese and Spanish. App is available for regions aka worldwide and the app speaks every language as the app covers only name site URL so the contents of it are available for every language the sites included can be translated into for example Chinese ( Traditional , complied , Hong Kong and more ) , Hindi , English language ( America , USA , uk, Indian English and more ) , Spanish , French , Portuguese , and moreInsipered by Android Nougat 7.0 update Brings incredible Android Nougat Multiwindow , Nougat Multitasking abilities and Nougat App Preview And Nougat Notification
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